July 24th, 2017
The most common question college students are asked is “What is your major?” Then, if the student’s answer is Film, English, Philosophy, or any other major in the Liberal Arts, the second most common question is “What are you going to do with your degree?”
While most of the students at Selwyn School are still a few years away from answering these questions, we hope that our educational process will have prepared them to respond with pride and confidence.
There is a great divide in our nation about what the future of our country should look like. Many economists, scientists, and STEM-related field experts believe that the Liberal Arts should take a less significant role in the education of children in the United States. They believe that science, technology, engineering, and mathematics-based educations will guarantee a stronger workforce and economy. When you search “liberal arts are…” on Google, the autocomplete answers are “useless,” “waste of time,” “dead,” and “worthless.”
At Selwyn School, we could not disagree more. While we recognize the importance of teaching STEM to young people, we do not believe by any means that the liberal arts are dead, useless, or a waste of time.
If we educate children purely based on what type of job we believe they may have in the future, we limit them. Our goal is to widen interests, broaden horizons, and expand the mind. With a well-rounded curriculum and educational experience, we develop the whole child. We open Selwyn students to new opportunities and empower them to think, create, design, and dream with an understanding of human needs and wants in mind.
Rather than focusing only on the numbers and hard data that come with a technical education, we include culture, storytelling, morality and ethics. By combining the “hard” skills with the humanities, we give our students everything they need to be successful as adults.
Interested in learning more about our educational process? What is your take on the debate over the importance of STEM and Liberal Arts educations? Contact Selwyn School today to continue the conversation.