Faculty Fridays Spotlight: Katie Kinder

November 15th, 2023

In this series, we’re highlighting Selwyn’s faculty and staff. In the classroom, we know our faculty are dynamic and engaged educators with subject matter expertise and an insatiable curiosity to learn. But what are they like out of the classroom? Find out!
Faculty Friday Spotlight:
Katie Kinder | Head of Middle School | 5th & 6th Mathematics
How many years have you been in education?
This is my 14th year teaching, and my 10th at Selwyn.
What’s your favorite class or project to teach?
Math is my favorite subject to teach of course. I love teaching multiplication because there are so many different ways to do it. Multiplication is such an important building block in math, so I am always looking for ways to bring it into the class on a daily basis.
What’s the best book you’ve read this year?
The Summer I Turned Pretty, Jenny Han. I love young adult fiction.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Watching Big Brother with my husband. Watching TV in general is my biggest guilty pleasure, and I will watch the same show over and over again. My favorite of all time has to be Gilmore Girls.
What’s a fun fact about you?
I’ve been told I’m pretty funny.
What’s a hobby you enjoy outside of school?
Watching sports and cooking. I love to watch football and baseball the most on TV, but I will go to pretty much any live sporting event. I also love to cook and host people at my house for dinner and holidays.
What do you love most about Selwyn?
I love the family atmosphere. I enjoy getting to know the people I work with outside the classroom, and I enjoy seeing a different side of my families when we have social activities. I love that I get to teach to the students, not to a standardized test. One size does not fit all.
What tip or advice would you give to students?
Everything is hard, until it isn’t.
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