Selwyn School offers limited bus transportation at the start and end of the school day. We select our stops based on the most central location for those in need of bus transportation.
We currently run one stop: a 7:30 am a pickup in the Sam’s parking lot, southwest corner, with a drop-off that departs Selwyn at 3:40 pm and returns approximately 4:05pm to the same location.
On days with early closing, the bus departs campus 15 minutes after the close of school and returns to the same location at Sam’s Club.
If your child requires a car seat, please bring one and buckle it into the bus.
There is a monthly fee for bus transportation. Details can be obtained from the Selwyn Business Office (
If we have groups of students in need of additional stops, we will work with parents to accommodate these needs as much as possible.
Sam’s Club Bus Stop: 2850 W University Ave, Denton, 76201.
After school, students should gather in the front reception area of the new campus building and should enter the bus once it pulls in front of the Selwyn entrance. Students will be returned to the same location at Sam’s as was used in the morning.
In the morning, the bus will depart at 730am on regular school days. Please arrive in advance of 7:30 am in order to have a timely departure.
Parents or guardians must take this responsibility. Children should never be left unsupervised before the bus arrives in the morning or after they are dropped off in the afternoon.
For the 2018-19 school year, the cost per student is $100 round trip / $60 one way per month. There are no discounts available for bus service.
Our bus has seatbelts and we will of course limit seating to two per seat, the capacity of the bus.
Our drivers will follow the rules of the road and keep the safety of our students top of mind at all times.
Children 40 pounds or under require booster seats for the bus. Booster seats need to be provided by the family, and need to be sized such that two can fit on each bus bench seat. Please plan on strapping your seat into the bus at the start of the school year and leave them in place.
If the weather is bad, we ask you to keep your children in the car with you until the bus arrives. Students can then wait on the bus until it departs.
If you miss one or more days, we would appreciate you letting us know. Occasional absence will not impact your ability to use the bus.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to wait for late arrivals for the bus. If your student is not on time, we will assume they are not taking the bus. If your student(s) were indeed intending to use the bus, you will need to make alternative arrangements.
When entering the campus to pick up or drop off your student, bear right as you enter from Copper Canyon Rd, passing the pre-school on your right. Stay to the right and drive toward the main building. Pass the main building on the left and, just prior to the fence, either make a U-turn or a three-point turn using the fire lane. Staying right, pull as far forward as you can on the curb in front of the school building entrance. When your child is safely in school or in your car, pull forward and take a right into the parking area near the playground. Coming out of that parking area, take a right and exit campus. The diagram here shows this route.
If you need to enter school, please park in any available space and carefully walk with your student into school.
For pre-school: take a right into the Selwyn campus and pull into the pre-school lot using any of the available spaces. Escort your student(s) into school, making sure to personally transfer them to a known Selwyn teacher or staff member.
Speed limit on campus is 15 MPH. Please drive carefully.
Changes to these systems may occur; we will post them here and share them elsewhere as they do.