Art Books We Love
September 6th, 2024
In recognition of National Read a Book Day–Friday, September 6–Ms. Morgan Swartz joined Erin Hunter during Good Morning Texas to share some books we love. (Watch her interview here!) Ms. Swartz chose five books about art that we love to read and teach with our students. Dive into a good book today! Consider picking up one of Ms. Swartz’s recommendations: Beautiful Oops! by Barney Saltzburg One of the most essential parts of living an artistic life is becoming comfortable with making mistakes. This board book, accessible and interactive for all children, demonstrates how those mistakes can become beautiful. This book teaches children the benefits of blunders, and how we can grow from them. Tar Beach by Faith Ringgold Based on the quilted art of artist Faith Ringgold, this allegorical story is richly textured by African-American culture and history. The result is a beautiful work of art and storytelling that will resonant with children from any background. The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick The story of an orphaned young Parisian thief, this novel is a beautifully illustrated and captivating mystery that students in middle grades—and older—will love. The publisher describes this novel, partially, as: “A cryptic drawing, a treasured notebook, a stolen key, a mechanical man, and a hidden message from Hugo’s dead father form the backbone of this intricate, tender, and spellbinding mystery.” What more could you want? Steal Like an Artist: Ten Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative by Austin Kleon Used in Selwyn’s Upper School art classes, Steal Like an Artist shows how the best artists take inspiration from everything around them. The result is part-manifesto and part-how-to-guide on artistic and creative thinking. Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art by Scott McCloud A classic of the graphic novel—or sequential art—medium, McCloud’s masterpiece guides readers through comics, including their history and the way the form has developed over time. We think this book is essential reading for any student who loves comic art. The Art Spirit by Robert Henri Written by an American painter in the early 20th century, The Art Spirit captures what is most vital about art, artists, and the act of creation. For the seriously inspired art student, Ms. Swartz recommends this book highly. Check it out! |